Revolutionizing with Advanced VendingTech
Touch Screens, Real-time Tracking, Cashless Solutions and Custom Design Services
Hot Food Machine | Weight sensing intelligent machine | Smart Touchscreen Machine
Frozen Product Machine | Cold drink and food Smart Machine
Hot Food Vending Machine
Hot food Bento
Temperature control:
60°C ~ 69°C
Support 80 bento
Elevator Delivery System
Silicone rubber (SI, Q, VMQ)
Logistic Support
1830 x 1300 x 980mm
Power Consumption
2.5kwh heat up
0.8kwh keeps warm
0.1kwh idle
Cashless payment
APP support
Weight sensing intelligent Vending machine
Weight Sensing Technology
Recognition Rate 99%
All kinds of goods
Support Online and offline operation
Low cost low risk
Pay before open door
5 Adjustable trays
2100 x 690 x 650 mm
Temperature 0-10 degree
Cashless Payment
Smart Touchscreen Vending Machine
Touchscreen Operation
Fast and Convenient
Moveable with wheel
Suitable for Toys and Gifts
Support Online and offline operation
Support different product size
10 adjustable trays
90+ products storage
1490 x 700 x 290 mm
21" touchscreen
Video Marketing and customer interaction
Cashless Payment
Frozen Product
Vending Machine
Frozen food or product
Touchscreen operation
Elevator Delivery System
-18 degree
Support Online and offline operation
Support different product size
150-300 products storage
1940 x 1636 x 1080mm
Cashless Payment
Video Marketing and customer interaction
Cold drink and food Smart Vending Machine
Fridge for drinks and food
Touchscreen operation
2-12 degree
6 adjustable trays
Support Online and offline operation
Support different product size
400+ product storage
1940 x 1235 x 856mm
Cashless Payment
Video Marketing and customer interaction